Deep Hydration

Hi Friends,

I was in a wedding this weekend for a dear friend of mine. She has found her perfect match, and we couldn’t wait to celebrate.

There’s something special about being in a wedding; it’s like time stands still for a weekend as the one goal is gathering to celebrate. From rehearsal to the nail salon, from flower arranging to restaurants, we prepared for the main event when our friend would walk down the aisle.

All this time together added up to dozens of conversations about life, family, disappointment, grief, unexpected joy, and the mystery that binds all of it up into something that is good. So good.

There’s so much beauty in hearing someone’s story. In holding it in your hand and feeling the weight of it. In honoring the grit and resilience that make it up like threads in a tapestry.

It has me thinking about the verse in Hebrews 10:25 where Paul tells us to not give up meeting together, but to encourage one another. And yes, I believe he’s talking primarily about assembling to worship. But if you’ve lived enough life, you’ve encountered the ways spirituality sometimes gives greater honor to solitude and silence and separation.

This weekend I witnessed the honor of words and noise and togetherness and laughter and tears. Yes, the honor of it. The Christ-likeness of it. The deep spirituality of it to the point where by the time you leave, something is different deep down in the marrow of your bones. All this just because you’ve been together.

God spoke it in the beginning: it’s not good for man to be alone.

If you have some moments in your calendar this month with friends — a barbecue or sports event or celebration — I pray you feel the encouragement of togetherness like deep hydration for a parched soul.

Take it in. Bask in it. It’s not a distraction from more important things. It’s one of the greatest gifts He’s given, this gift of being together.

— Anna

Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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