Hi Friends, I love turning a familiar verse over in my hands and seeing the light catch in a new-to-me way. This time it is Genesis 1:14: Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years. Signs. We love signs. The star above the birthplace of Jesus leading kings to His doorstep in worship. The sun standing still in the heavens while Joshua and the people of Israel fight their battle. Miracles that point to the power and omnipotence of God… yes! We love signs in the heavens. God also sets another purpose for the stars, sun, and moon in Genesis 1. They are for seasons. This truth is set within the verse with just as much weight and wonder as the promise of signs in the heavens. Yes, the stars are for signs and seasons. Put each of those words on either side of a scale to measure its wonder, and the balance holds dead even. The rising of the sun this morning. It’s waning before dinner on this January evening. The night sky lit up by a thousand pin-pricks of light originating millions of miles away. We hardly notice because we’re so used to it — it’s our ordinary. We think of our own bodies in this same way. The miraculous healing, the tumor that could no longer be found in surgery: the signs. We couldn’t miss them if we tried. But the rhythms of our bodies we hardly notice. The 1.5 gallons of blood pumped through our veins every minute. The air absent-mindedly pulled into our lungs 20,000 times per day at even measures. We don’t think about it — it’s our ordinary. But the rhythms, the meter, the tempo of our normal existence is such a profound, weighty witness of His glory. It’s okay that we aren’t consciously aware of it all — we couldn’t possibly pause in wonder with every last breath and beat of the heart. And we aren’t meant to. But we are meant to recognize that in all of this ordinary — the rising sun, the stars, the steady beat of our hearts and contraction of our lungs — it is all filled up to the brim with Him. Our regular seasons and rhythms of life are jam packed with wonder and power and glory in equal measure with miracles and signs. This ordinary is wonder-filled. This normal is saturated with God. Lord, thank you that all my life and all this world is filled up with You. – Anna |
I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.
Hi Friends, It’s a cold, snowy January here in Kansas City. And while this winter has brought some wonderful things for us — hot soup on the back burner and kiddos reading on the couch while huddled under blankets — we are also rounding the bend of our second foray into the stomach bug. Noooooo! I know. It’s awful. It has me thinking today about dependency. In bold below are some lyrics I sing about this, and below that are a few thoughts. You touch my heart and cause me to thirstBy grace You...
Hi Friends, We had a huge blizzard this past weekend that dumped over a foot of snow in 24 hours. We woke up to a blanket of white. My kids are thrilled to have more snow shoveling gigs than they can handle. They shovel, stop by the house for snacks, throw their soggy gloves back on and head out to sled. After sledding? Shoveling… and repeat. Heavy snows seem to come at the beginning of January each year in the Midwest, and it always feels like they give the perfect visual for a new year. A...
Hi Friends, It’s been a healing Advent season for me, looking into the birth of Christ with the unique lens of Him lifting off spiritual anxiety. I have loved hearing from many of you, getting to know your stories, and the unique ways the Lord is meeting you and bringing you healing as well. This is the last letter in this Advent series, and it’s message is this: You don’t have to move on from the manger just yet. God lived among us — a newborn baby, a child, a young man simply working with...