Hi Friends, It’s fascinating how music sticks with us. A song has to be the most powerful form of communication. (I mean, when’s the last time you heard someone say, “I have a sentence stuck in my head!”) All that to say, I have a chorus stuck in my head that I sang years ago. The words are in bold, and below that are a few thoughts. Jesus, You are my drink Sometimes as Christians we are slow to be needy of God. We rightly want to worship Him for who He is. His worth, His glory, Him first. And we are sometimes hesitant to be very needy of Him. Worried we may treat Him as a vending machine—punch these buttons, get what you’re looking for. But I don’t think God is nearly so worried about this as we are. In some ways, He’s standing there, all provision in His hand, shouting, “Come! What do you need? Ask! I can’t wait to give!” He’s not afraid of being “used”. He made hunger, He made thirst, so that we would be drawn to Him as the bread of life and the living water. He does not condemn us when we feel paralyzed with fear. Instead, He offers Himself as the One who sings songs of deliverance in the night. He is not angry when we have overworked, under-communed, and find ourselves once again at a distance. Instead, He stretches out steady hands to trade our unbearable burden for His easy yoke. Yes, there is a condition. You can’t buy it. You can’t earn it on good behavior. Your money is no good here. He’s not looking for equal returns. He says it’s free. No money, no cost, just come and ask. He can’t wait to give. Isn’t He good? — Anna |
I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.
Hi Friends, I’ll never forget it. I showed up for class in college, slid into my seat, and noticed the girl on my left had a large smudge on her forehead. She was an acquaintance, and in my earnestness to be a “real friend”, I pointed it out. “You have something on your forehead,” I said, gesturing to her as if wiping at my face. “It’s Ash Wednesday,” she said, turning in her seat. Whoops! Neither my husband nor I grew up in churches that followed the church calendar or included liturgy. So...
Hi Friends, I was in a wedding this weekend for a dear friend of mine. She has found her perfect match, and we couldn’t wait to celebrate. There’s something special about being in a wedding; it’s like time stands still for a weekend as the one goal is gathering to celebrate. From rehearsal to the nail salon, from flower arranging to restaurants, we prepared for the main event when our friend would walk down the aisle. All this time together added up to dozens of conversations about life,...
Hi Friends, I gotta be honest… I originally started this letter with a sentence telling you about a new way I’ve been praying with my youngest as I tuck him into bed. And I do want to tell you about that. But first… In the spirit of full transparency, I must admit that praying with him in this new way came about because of my big fat failure in the “praying mom” category. You see, my youngest is squirrelly. He goes to bed first (in protest), and as he lays there being tucked in, he tends to...