Not Some Other Day

Hi Friends,

Sometimes the Holy Spirit sets up dominos. A string of happenings where when the last knocks over, you find it was aimed straight at your heart.

He did that for me this weekend.

But first, in bold is a chorus I’ve been singing about this, and below that are a few thoughts.

Not someday
In the future
Right now, these hands reaching in love
Without measure
I live and breathe for You, my God

We were at a church this weekend where the congregation stands to hear the reading of the Word. There were 6-7 verses read, but my ears stopped at this phrase.

“Therefore welcome one another, just as Christ also welcomed us…” (Romans 15:7).

“Not grumble about them behind their backs,” the preacher expounded a few moments later. “Not care for them while rolling your eyes on the inside”.

Early this morning, first cup of coffee in hand, I read a familiar phrase as the next domino fell:

“He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love” (Eph 1:4).

Welcome one another. Be without blame before Him in love.

It’s so easy to think we will get there “someday”. Our character will be greater. Our patience so much more mature.

Then we will love well.

When we have more money and influence. When we have more time to make a difference. When we are just a bit older.

Then we will love well.

But all I have, all you have, is what we’ve been given right now. This ordinary, normal existence. The people right in front of us, and maybe the ones “over there” we’ve avoided.

With these hands, on this day, will we reach for our neighbor? Our spouse? Our children?

God has chosen us — yes He will help us — to walk in blameless love.

It’s for today.

– Anna

Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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